Be Proud - Digital Story #2

Everything is just a little faster, a little more bittersweet.  Nerves are all over the place but the excitement surpasses them and as parents we learn to let go just a little bit more.
Watching your child grow is one of the most amazing experiences.  As angry as she gets me sometimes, I know I have to step back and realize that all of it is part of the learning curve.  We are all going with the flow of things, feeling each other out and trying to learn to fit.
Before she came along it was just him and I – together – a team.  Then she came along and it was like all is right in the world, well for us at least.

We are supportive parents.  We pride ourselves on the fact that our daughter feels like she has a place to share the things she loves and also a safe loving place to express her feelings about those things she doesn’t like all that much, or the things that confuse her or even scare her.
I want her to know that she can ask for anything, even though the answer might be no.  She can tell me anything even though I'm sure there are times when we all make our kids feel like that's not the case.  I truly think that might have more to do with the way we were raised rather than the raising  that we are doing.
But looking at her makes me realize It's about my husband and I and too and the partnership we share in raising her.  It's about the countless worried conversations I've subjected him to, the crazy ass ideas I run by him, the hopes and dreams that we  both have for our child.

She is truly an amazing girl.
we are such an intricate part of keeping her soul beautiful and innocent and we know that.  We allow her to spread her wings, to an extent of course and work hard for her to know that we are her #1 fans.  Well I’m her #1 fan, he’s #2.
I guess what I am trying to tell you is be proud.  Be proud of what you’ve done and what you’ve created.  Be proud that you’re a parent.  Be proud of what you made.


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